flat lay photography of paintings
flat lay photography of paintings
man in white dress shirt playing drum
man in white dress shirt playing drum

Upon becoming a city the elders and the founders of the city must understand the phenomena of homelessness, otherwise their plan is capped at TOWN, they now plan for founding a town

Cities are infinitely wealthier than towns not least for the mere fact they have homeless people living in them.

You may only become a city if you understand there will be homeless people in your city. Once you accepted the concept of homelessness you understand you will have to care for your homeless and that it is not an option to do so, it is an absolute obligation. it is also costly. the additional wealth we find generated for a city to wealth generated for a town way covers the cost of basic care of homeless people

As well, a myriad of standards - standard of sleep, standard of parties, standard of communication, standard city's of algorithm - will be impacted by the standard of care your homeless receive.

Unfortunately most cities believe sustenance is adequate 'payment' for homeless people's service provision in Civil Liberties but that is far from the truth. If only their sustenance is attended to, the comparative to kingdom of animals cannot be avoided - with all due respect a domesticated animal is also fed every day and one hot meal a day is said to be only sustenance.

Where day centres and creative classes, computer access and so forth are also provided in addition to food, where homeless care reaches beyond supplying sustenance, that city is enabled to access a wealthier mindset in general. these mindsets are created for cities individually based upon their care for the vulnerable (children, paraplegics, homeless, elderly, etc) and the homeless play a very important role in this ranking created for progressive city growth...

...Oh so simple...

aerial view of town in mountain
aerial view of town in mountain

It is NEVER the council deals homelessness for people in homelessness

IT is the city that which deals for homeless people and the better able one had excluded the council the better deal the city is able to grant to the homeless person.

It is paramount to distinguish between city and council.

The city is made up of people the council is born out of state concepts



Years of experience

Happy clients

a suspension bridge over a river in a city
a suspension bridge over a river in a city
green leaf trees during daytime photo
green leaf trees during daytime photo