Can be best answered by a deeply benevolent person

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

turned on candle lantern
turned on candle lantern
white and black storage box
white and black storage box
who is a deeply benevolent person?

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

Write a short text about your service. Highlight key benefits for potential clients.

A paraplegic person, a homeless person, a caste based person or an orphan .


we often ask what love is

Love is rooted in Conscience

Love is born of Conscience

The measure of Love is determined by the conscience is born out of..

This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application.

The higher the conscience, the higher the love.

The higher the conscience , the higher the level and standard of temptation

we attract love

we spend decades learning how to feel about love, how to manifest love how to interpret love reading from newspaper articles, attending courses or just simply nattering with friends and family

A Human's Love

Animals don't have conscience high enough to care for their injured, for their very vulnerable

They trample their injured

is much deeper and more accurately defined than an animal's love

You must be a human to have conscience enough to really care for injured of your kind and homeless people are injured of a right we all ordinarily have and that is right to abode.

we dream about being loved

As such a homeless person's conscience and therefore Love for you is immense.
Most ordinary people will never experience love as deep and as kind as form a homeless person other than from babies possibly, which is very nice but baby-gooes differ from adult love.

Some of us associate the word LOVE with Jesus Christ. as His Love for us was immense.

Jesus Christ loved vulnerable love and had enough love for paralysed people to be healed and homeless people to sort their homeless standing. When you are homeless you had to have forgiven the one making you homeless - usually within the family and that does take a lot of Love and deep Forgiveness of very high Conscience. When you are paralysed you have to have forgiven the one who cause d your paralysis and that requires even higher conscience.

love protects us

Provide a short summary of your recent projects, highlighting the most important things.

In either case both these go way beyond and above L'Amour type of Love
as well as parental love

as such the naughtiness available and practiced by homeless people is way the naughtiest

any one of us have ever experienced - except of course true paralysed mischief , which is very rare and hardly visible to the able and naked eye

homeless person's love is ultimate in most aspects

Provide a short summary of your recent projects, highlighting the most important things.

and manifest themselves in light form as well as warmth and time.

This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application.

flowers beside yellow wall
flowers beside yellow wall
oh so simple

This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application.

All in all a homeless person's love is to absolutely die for

This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application.

life is absolutely beautiful

This project aims to develop a user-friendly mobile application.