an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

ONE definition of an eunuch is:

when one's conscience allows one to think they may decide for others/instead of others.

that's a n eunuch's mind exactly.

nobody may decide over the personal business of another person in society and homeless people actually complete service in this to ensure it is so under their civil liberties services umbrella

you may not stand for some idiot deciding your matters for you,

your slant or platform is way beyond any of their addendums

ONE definition of an eunuch is:

when one's conscience allows one to think they may decide for others/instead of others.

that's a n eunuch's mind exactly.

nobody may decide over the personal business of another person in society and homeless people actually complete service in this to ensure it is so under their civil liberties services umbrella

black and brown leather padded tub sofa

the organisation we know as st mungos steal off homeless people

Stealing from the homeless is inhumane and unjust. Stand against this cruelty.

mungos are thives


stealing from the homeless is

as grave as

stealing off the dead

tell us about your mungo's theft story

Compassion Against this Injustice

We advocate for the homeless, emphasizing that stealing from them is akin to stealing from the deceased. Everyone deserves dignity and respect.

textile under the wall mounted hooks
textile under the wall mounted hooks

but ... those working for st mungos misappropriate our donated funds and we know that.

they say we don't know that but we do know that

we know that best during harsh winter payment times

Our mission is to raise awareness about the plight of homeless individuals and to combat st mungos stealing form the homeless especially during harsh winter whether payment .

the karmic consequences of stealing from a homeless person are grave indeed once you stole form a homeless person you forego a certain type and standard of loss of dignity in your faith in some cases forever

it simply never is worth it to steal from a homeless person no matter the value of the item or even the emotional value attached to the item being stolen

as the karmic consequence of stealing form a homeless person is in fact you might become an EUNUCH

homeless people are sent extra funds for services completed in harsh winter conditions

st mungos steal these moneys from the homeless despite being told not to .

our far eastern comrades are explained this from their home web in the following way:
let's say somebody sends you £20 and st mungos take £10 as postage fee.
this is a good explanation but is inaccurate, but it lets you see approximately what is beiing said

harsh winter weather payments

these are serious allegations

it is not only they are stealing off homeless people they are stealing as a charity from the beneficiaries of the charity

and they are stealing off a deadly condition

what is an eunuch?

an Eunuch is an honour lost individual who does not or has not admitted to his way being the defeated version or having been signed up to the wrong way

and is consequently and universally stripped from absolutely everything attached to rank and honour including duties, responsibilities, respect, command, weight in gold, worth and word even, opinion no less

an eunuch is a state of mind we all strive to be spared from

in very short one does absolutely everything in life not to become an eunuch it is hardly a desired state of rank

institutionalised theft

there are sketches from the underworld st mungos perform and we all recognise

somewhat like neuro linguistic programming or something like chat gpt had originated for them for the underworld scene they then act out with an intention of immaculate adaptation, so as there are no mistakes spotted in the reeling of the underworld sketch against the homeless

these vary from the likes of:

" you know you want to do this"


"we know you don't mind if we do or say this"

when absolutely clearly we all mind and or don't want to do what they are suggesting

=no innocence here=

st mungos stealing from the homeless is so deeply seated, it has actually become institutionalised by 2024 - it reaches across to intellectual property, for example a homeless person may only present a good idea relating to homelessness to the council, via st mungos.

it is not only an expectation to include mungos it is a prerequisite

st mungos will misappropriate that idea and present it as theirs "saving" the homeless individuals identity and protecting them from the ills of fame attached to a good idea becoming accepted in a given community

that is horrendous

in the olden days once one became an eunuch that person actually got castrated

becoming an eunuch is worse than becoming a centaur, both declare no conscience but the eunuch leaves a mark on one's long path , the centaur is just a momentary de-ranking of the person, it just disappears

in case of severe weather payment if ST MUNGOS ARE stating they are deciding what to do with the moneys you had been sent for your service you complete in severe weather conditions, which will protect you from a freeze death,
they become your murder eunuchs (instead of your sexual eunuchs). OWNING OR BEING ASSIGNED A MURDER EUNUCH does provide a lot of protection to the homeless person whilst living on the street

this they will mind as this does visibly strip them of their social standing

if a mungo proclaims they will deal your personal affairs on your behalf and that's against your free will (but just cant exactly voice your opinion at that exact moment due to your vulnerable status )
INSTANLTLY they become your eunuch in law of civil liberties


at this stage they become your sexual eunuchs !!!only!!! - but gets worse - which some sections of society simply don't mind becoming as their sexuality is in such disarray already, they may as well be somebody's eunuch.

being curious about you and not granting privacy to your sexual matters MAY also make you entitled to turn into an eunuch

IN Some CULTURES even as common deeds as female masturbation without the necessary permissions might HAVE RESULTED IN THE EUNUCHISATIOIN OF THE INDIVIDUAL in command certainly

as a homeless individual you have a wide array of these rights but never over another homeless person and they cease almost instantly after you had been housed

you as a homeless person complete service in keeping the streets free of sexuality. merely by becoming homeless you will have added to this service - EVEN IF YOU DONT KNOW THIS - regardless of any sexual misdemeanours that may have taken place DURING YOUR SERVICE TIME

on course of becoming better at this service completion you must learn (almost like a piece of homework)

to deal this fate on those who say they are entitled to decide over your personal affairs , no less whilst you are completing service in civil liberties . it is interference with your privacy in fact...

secondly they have to learn to understand they may not do that, they are simply not entitled to do so

Homeless Theft

Addressing the serious issue of stealing from homeless individuals.

grayscale photo of a man wearing hoodie
grayscale photo of a man wearing hoodie
Respect for All

Stealing from the vulnerable is morally unacceptable and harmful. bears grave consequence for the person stealing always and without exception making it just not worthwhile for the thief

red motorcycle parked beside yellow post
red motorcycle parked beside yellow post
Human Dignity

Every person deserves respect, regardless of their situation.

person holding right hand of another person
person holding right hand of another person
brown tree
brown tree
Compassion Matters

We must protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Stand Together

Join us in advocating for the rights of homeless individuals.

Contact Us About Homeless thefts

Reach out to discuss the importance of protecting the vulnerable.

grayscale photo of man sitting on ground with bottle
grayscale photo of man sitting on ground with bottle

Respect the Vulnerable: Stop the Theft

Stealing from the homeless is a grave injustice. Stand against it today.

Stealing from the homeless is a grave injustice. It’s akin to robbing the deceased—an act of cruelty that we must all stand against.

John Doe

man sleeping on bench in the middle of the street
man sleeping on bench in the middle of the street
