Bristol Charities Exposed

Uncovering the truth about charities profiting from the struggles of Bristol's homeless community.

Bristol Charities not yet exposed

Uncovering the truth about Bristol charities and their exploitation of the homeless community in our city is a task we'd rather avoid, but we must deal with , not only we receive fewer services,

but the result is their conscience places them below the sub-human line and although none of us are held responsible for this, we possibly feel their guilt and might momentarily thin its ours.

what are the distinctive tell tale signs?

Addressing the issues faced by Bristol's homeless community today.

saying no to penny or minute items

it is understood by homeless charities homeless people have nowhere to keep their items, if they leave them on the premises overnight and volunteers just help themselves to whatever is in the gooddie bag indicates there is grave disrespect as regards no theft

selective focus photography of lens
selective focus photography of lens
stealing games played

for example you are given something and you say, we'll just say i stole that , your mind wishes to categorise in the pinching box - when it was a gift

employees reporting they cannot resist stealing from the premises
theft reported unattended

when your theft is on cctv and they cannot be bothered to replay it for you indicates there is thieving on in the back ground

papa, ex-homeless, now safely housed spends his time volunteering in thefreetalk and believes he is entitled to pinch arts and crafts materials left on the premises - unbelieveable...

and cannot wait until you turn up with the next lot and his dream world explains it that the service user is contributing to the charity's' running

red and green plastic pack
red and green plastic pack

if you ask for a penny item such as a sheet of a4, a paper cup, a serviette, or a telephonecall, two minutes of somebody's time and the list does go on (to borrow a pen) - these are called penny items - and you are refused these , that refusal indicates something is definitely not as it was designed

homeless charities get given monies for homeless people . they are given monies because they say they provide services for homeless people and so if these homeless people ask for something they must oblige. simple.

they cannot refuse jonathan's £2 bus fare request and they cannot be sating we're short on paper cups , it's ridiculous.

It is not the paper cup you are refused , it s

the indication

of something wrong manifesting in a refusal of a paper cup.

it's indicates something is short of a shilling

these are all indicators for us to spot over otherwise meaningless items

please do tell us of any others you recognise

Contact Us

yellow textile on gray concrete floor
yellow textile on gray concrete floor

Reach out to discuss concerns about Bristol homeless charities and their impact on the homeless community.

Bristol Charities

Addressing the troubling issue of charities exploiting the vulnerable homeless community in Bristol.


Bristol, UK, 12345


9 AM - 5 PM

Bristol charities should support the homeless, not exploit their struggles , reporting they simply cannot resist stealing . It's truly disheartening.

person sitting beside building looking straight to the street at golden hour
person sitting beside building looking straight to the street at golden hour
