vitaly says he is of jewish decent
XAn says the jew is essentially a muslim, who has made a mistake in father adoration and as a result is one, who still needs a strict and tight structure for his management or governance similar to that of the female.
For this reason most Muslims do not much like to take part in activities with jewish muslims as they have progressed on from that stage and have now become experts in excluding tasks and duties relating to such strictness as well as the female
One of these type of tasks is exchequer-Ing of activities, most of us would like to simply forego
sometimes however a defect arises in duty of care to the female within the muslim ranks and that the jewish muslim puts correct. That is one of this extra points
AT this point the other muslims laugh at him.
but he gets paid high we know to say from god, but in fact from the female's allocation of money
Vitaly has done a stint as a jew and is back in the muslim community / family of his and that is indicated by the fact of him being homeless as the benevolence and vulnérability factor of homelessness embraces the part of islam, which then welcomes the jew back.
Welcoming Vitaly Back to Family
extreme humilty is needed to return to islam from having been a jew
as you were shunned, excommunicated, near enough castrated by your brothers if you took the female's side on any ground or in any debate and you swore your war upon your shunners
but now you may run back to them as to your elders and superiors and be welcome and loved despite your need of that tight structure you now understand not all the others need
welcome back vitaly and well done - you have returned